Although now dying of lung cancer, the extraordinary Mr. A former college dean and state representative, Dresch has been very helpful to me in the Ron Brown investigation and in my Oklahoma City follow-up work. The man most responsible for Devecchio’s indictment is a Michigan-based forensic economist by the name of Stephen Dresch. On March 30, retired FBI agent Lin Devecchio was indicted in Brooklyn for what prosecutor Michael Vecchione calls 'one of the worst cases of law enforcement corruption in the history of this country.' Specifically, Devecchio has been accused of taking bribes from a mobster, the late Gregory Scarpa, Sr., in return for inside information that led to four gangland style murders in Brooklyn. Indictment of FBI agent may hold key to TWA 800 This radar data is discussed beginning on page 6 of our NTSB Petition for Probable Cause Reconsideration. Radar sites near TWA 800 recorded a high-velocity event at the aircraft’s position simultaneously with the jetliner’s transponder going silent.
When an aircraft’s transponder (radar beacon) goes out in mid-flight, reflected radar signals (primary returns) can be critical to help determine what happened, where, and when. RADAR DATA: It’s Critical and is Explained on Petition
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